The Ott Lab publishes novel research on SARS-CoV-2 variants Read More

Ott Lab News

How Close Are We to a Cure for HIV?

Infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) was once considered a death sentence. Then, powerful antiretroviral drugs were developed and combined to suppress the virus, allowing those living with HIV to have a largely normal lifespan—as long as they take the medications daily.

However, the virus hides out in a latent form in immune cells to evade antiretroviral drugs, and discontinuing these drugs almost inevitably leads to rekindling of active infection. And despite the success of the drugs, they can cause side effects such as inflammation and accelerated aging.

On World AIDS Day 2021, investigators at Gladstone Institutes are aggressively pursuing a broad range of research that could one day help provide a cure for HIV, which now infects an estimated 38 million people worldwide, many of them in developing countries unable to afford or access daily antiretroviral therapy.

Nobel Laureate Dr. Jennifer Doudna and Groundbreaking Applications of CRISPR

In 2011, Dr. Jennifer Doudna began studying an enzyme called Cas9. Little did she know, in 2020 she would go on to win the Nobel Prize in Chemistry along with Emmanuelle Charpentier for discovering the powerful gene-editing tool, CRISPR-Cas9. Today, Doudna is a decorated researcher, the Li Ka Shing Chancellors Chair, a Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Molecular as well as Cell Biology at the University of California Berkeley, and the founder of the Innovative Genomics Institute.

New Clues to Delta Variant’s Spread in Studies of Virus-Like Particles

About 70,000 people in the United States are diagnosed with COVID-19 each and every day. It’s clear that these new cases are being driven by the more-infectious Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19. But why does the Delta variant spread more easily than other viral variants from one person to the next?

Now, an NIH-funded team has discovered at least part of Delta’s secret, and it’s not all attributable to those widely studied mutations in the spike protein that links up to human cells through the ACE2 receptor. It turns out that a specific mutation found within the N protein coding region of the Delta genome also enables the virus to pack more of its RNA code into the infected host cell. As a result, there is increased production of fully functional new viral particles, which can go on to infect someone else.

This finding, published in the journal Science [1], comes from the lab of Nobel laureate Jennifer Doudna at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, the Gladstone Institutes, San Francisco, and the Innovative Genomics Institute at the University of California, Berkeley. Co-leading the team was Melanie Ott, Gladstone Institutes.

Why is Delta so infectious? New lab tool spotlights little noticed mutation that speeds viral spread

As the world has learned to its cost, the Delta variant of the pandemic coronavirus is more than twice as infectious as previous strains. Just what drives Delta’s ability to spread so rapidly hasn’t been clear, however. Now, a new lab strategy that makes it possible to quickly and safely study the effects of mutations in SARS-CoV-2 variants has delivered one answer: a little-noticed mutation in Delta that allows the virus to stuff more of its genetic code into host cells, thus boosting the chances that each infected cell will spread the virus to another cell.

New Method Sheds Light on Why Some SARS-CoV-2 Variants Are More Infectious

In a new paper published today in the journal Science, researchers at the Innovative Genomics Institute (IGI) at UC Berkeley and Gladstone Institutes used a new method to explore why some variants of SARS-CoV-2, like the Delta variant, are more transmissible and infectious than others.

The new study, a collaboration between the labs of Jennifer Doudna at the IGI and Melanie Ott at Gladstone Institutes, uses virus-like particles instead of live virus, a safer and faster way to explore the effect of different mutations in the virus’s genome. Initial explorations with this method found a surprising result: while most research has focused on mutations in the virus’s spike protein that allows the virus to penetrate human cells, mutations in a different protein, the nucleocapsid protein, appear to be more important for enhancing infectivity.

QBI Fireside Chat with Melanie Ott and Mélanie Hamon of Institut Pasteur

The Quantitative Biosciences Institute (QBI) at UCSF presents “Scientific Collaborations Across Borders: QBI/Institut Pasteur: Epigenetic Modifications and Human Pathogenic Viruses,” a QBI Fireside Chat on October 20, 2021 at 10AM PT, co-organized by the Office for Science and Technology of the French Embassy in San Francisco.

This “fireside chat” featured Melanie Ott of Gladstone Institutes/UCSF and Melanie Hamon of Institut Pasteur, and was moderated by Héloïse Pajot of the Embassy of France in San Francisco. The conversation focused on the collaborative research between Institut Pasteur and QBI within the fields of epigenetics and virology, and highlighted the advantages of creating synergy in science across borders during a global pandemic and beyond.


Mélanie Hamon, Principle Investigator, Department of Cell Biology & Infection, Institut Pasteur

Melanie Ott, Principle Investigator, Virology, Gladstone Institutes | School of Medicine, UCSF


Héloïse Pajot, Deputy Attaché for Science and Technology, Embassy of France in the United States


To watch: http://

Ott Lab is part of a Global Collaboration to find a Cure for HIV

Now, with a $26.5-million grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), a multi-disciplinary group of researchers from institutions around the world is trying a completely new strategy for curing HIV. The group, known as the HIV Obstruction by Programmed Epigenetics (HOPE) Collaboratory, will be led by researchers at Gladstone Institutes, Scripps Research Florida, and Weill Cornell Medicine. Their approach, which aims to both silence and permanently remove HIV from the body, takes advantage of knowledge about how other viruses have become naturally inactivated over time.